Career Links
Be Something Amazing!
Information about health care careers.
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Job listings and information.
Career Aware I
This pamphlet has careers divided into personality types.
Career Explorer
Descriptions about different careers.
Career Heroes
This pamphlet has careers divided into personality type.
Career Kids
The information provided here is for students who are looking for career information as they research careers in career exploration programs.
Central Intelligence Agency Careers
You may have heard about the Central Intelligence Agency. But, do you know what we really do and how we do it?
I believe in me!
Careers for kids who like...
Kids Works
Explore careers in our virtual community of work places.
Information about different careers.
Kids.Gov Jobs A to Z
A safe place to learn about careers.
O*Net Online
Descriptions about different careers.
SC Career Clusters
Information about salaries associated with various careers.
The Fun Works
This web site is about careers. Not just the interesting ones other people have, but the ones YOU can have.
The Futures Channel
Video descriptions about different careers.
Virginia Career View
A site with information about unusual careers.